Wednesday, February 4, 2015

LRJ Prompt Response. February 4, 2015

          "Greed is the root of all evils."
       Taylor answers his questions by using a small book that was published 20 years ago, by a professor of philosophy by the name of Jacob Needleman. I agree with his answers because they are very accurate. Money is about love and relationships. Your love for something will depend on how much you receive, as well as the relationship. Money can bring people together as well as draw them apart. People sometimes become closer because of the amount of money that they possess, while others tend to disagree and burn bridges because money is owed to the other or they just have more. You also can't escape money because it will always be around in some form of fashion and you will always need it. If you don't know how you are towards it, it could cause problems. For example, if you are a person that's careless with money, then you might just spend it or use it for any and everything. There are also people that are very careful with it, planning things out and keeping balances to make sure nothing goes wrong. I strongly agree that money can't buy happiness. Just because you have money doesn't mean anything, you can still be very miserable. Having a lot of money is a waste if you have nobody to share it with and also be happy. People can become very blinded by the thought of having a lot of money. They think that having money is he only thing that matters, when in reality, it's not. There is a big difference between having money and being successful. Just because you have it, doesn't mean you've accomplished anything. Being successful is becoming someone better, doing great things and things that you've always wanted to do. When you're ecstatic because hard work has paid off, that's the true definition of success. I would answer the questions by stating that people get caught up in certain things and them forgetting results in them forgetting everything. People are so willing to get more because of greed. It's like a food item, once you eat enough you begin to want more. Extremely wealthy people are unhappy because they think money can take all of their problems away. They also think it'll make others stay or make them happy as well. People always forget, money could either MAKE or BREAK you.